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Learn about MYZONE and how it integrates with Perkville for loyalty, rewards and referrals.

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Myzone, the wearable fitness tracker shows and rewards effort when you work out. Myzone displays real-time heart rate, calories, and intensity with five simple color-coded personalized zones. The telemetry can be displayed collectively in group settings and exercise classes, or individually direct to your smartphone via the Myzone app. The app allows engagement, motivation, and communities to flourish.

Myzone amplifies the group exercise experience; it provides valuable data for personal training departments with built-in challenges, personal goals, gamification and an online social community, users are motivated to sustain physical activity through a fun, engaging, and inclusive platform.

Represented in over 5,000 facilities in 65+ countries and translated into 19 languages, Myzone is used by health & fitness clubs, corporate wellness sites, educational establishments or anyone wanting to track their physical activity. In 2018 Myzone has been recognized by IHRSA as the Associate Member of the Year.


Integration Details

Translate MEPS earned into points!

Workout Efforts (MEPS)

Workout Efforts (MEPS)




Sync frequency

Close to real time

Reward events?

MEPS accumulated

Sync frequency

Close to real time

Reward events?

MEPS accumulated